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Posts Tagged ‘Interracial marriage’

South Africans Ticked-Off Over Poster Showing Interracial Couple Embracing

In News, Opinion on January 31, 2012 at 1:47 am

Oh, snap! Not more interracial dating!

And between a white man and a black woman! Awww, man!

Just when we thought the home of apartheid had (somehow) conquered extreme racism and prejudice, and had balanced its system of governing to be more fair and equal, we find this story of South Africans going crazy over a harmless poster of an attractive interracial couple embracing.

What’s the big deal? Well, if you’re racist and live in South Africa and are accustomed to privilege, you ain’t going to take too kindly to such a poster, are you?

Here’s the charming poster:

Personally, (although I am obviously biased) the poster looks pretty smokin’ to me. It should be in every subway and at every bus depot in America. If that were the case, maybe there’d be more interracial dating between white men and black women. But anyway….

Here are some links to stories of (at least some) South Africans going bonkers over this poster:

Aisha Tyler Uses Interracial Marriage to Support Gay Marriage

In Entertainment, Opinion on January 12, 2012 at 5:47 am
English: Channing Tatum and Aisha Tyler at the...

Image via Wikipedia. Sistah Tyler.

Leave it to my sistah, Aisha Tyler, to think of using interracial marriage as a means by which to support gay marriage.

The argument is logical, natural and makes sense; so much so that it makes me wonder why nobody has ever used an ad campaign before to argue that gay marriage is as much as civil and human right as is interracial marriage.

Man Pleads Guilty in Firebombing of Interracial Couples’ Home

In News, Opinion on December 8, 2011 at 6:37 pm
Official seal of City of Little Rock, Arkansas

Image via Wikipedia.

Just to prove that the South despises interracial love (and diversity) even further than in the recent number of stories focusing on Kentucky (the church that denied interracial couples the freedom to pray there and then reversed their decision once the media found out about it; the woman in the CNN video being harassed by Kentucky residents because she’s in an interracial relationship….), here’s this lovely piece about Gary Dodson of (famed) Little Rock, Arkansas, who firebombed the home of an interracial couple.

Dodson pled guilty on December 7th in District Court of one count of civil rights conspiracy, one count of interference with housing rights due to race and one count of possession of an unregistered firearm/destructive device. This charmer also planned the firebombing along with several other men.

So, don’t feel bad, all the hateful and violent racism is not just restricted to Kentucky.

Here’s the piece:



CNN’s Struggles of An Interracial Couple

In Main Event on December 8, 2011 at 6:17 pm
English: I took photo of CNN building in New Y...

Image via Wikipedia.

CNN recently posted a story (in video form at least partially) about a woman unfortunate enough to be in an interracial relationship while living in a particularly rural section of Kentucky.

Yes, it is between a white woman and a black man, (as are the vast majority of interracial relationships), but the woman’s point is that racism is alive and quite healthy in the South and especially in her geographic neck of the woods.

It’s a very brief video (something close to 3-4 minutes), and it’s in a section of the CNN website called “iReport,” where CNN basically takes work from others and then determines whether or not to run it more fully in main sections of their site or even possibly on television.

Here’s a link to the piece: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-712941?hpt=hp_c2


Mississippi Republicans Want Interracial Marriage Banned

In News, Opinion on November 26, 2011 at 2:09 am

Love  ...I grew up in the South, living in different parts of Virginia most of my childhood, vacationing in the Carolinas, hiking the incredible Appalachian Trail, going to colleges in Norfolk, Virginia; making friends with people from Georgia and other Southern states as I got older.

But I don’t brag about growing up in the South. Why should I? The South has a much-deserved reputation for embracing bigotry, wishing to return to the “good ol’ days” when racism was proudly displayed in public areas, when slavery was everywhere and accepted as norm, and any kind of segregation was seen as a royally bad idea that simply could never work. In many parts of the South, certainly in Florida (where they were seen firsthand), there are still signs on trains exhorting the public to use “Colored Only” or “White” restrooms and water fountains.

Well, I guess that explains why I could not see the Disney-fied version of Southern racism in “The Help” (where mistreated and under paid black nannies love their jobs and “employers” and find endearing salvation at the knowing touch of a teenage white girl) any more than I was shocked to read the news story that Mississippi Republicans when polled stated a desire to ban interracial marriage by a fairly large percentage.

Mr. and Mrs. Loving went through hell just to be able to love each other and support one another in the South, and in some Southern states interracial marriage was still not legal until the late 90s to early 2000.

But enough of my angry complaint. Here’s a link to the story:

According to Cornell Chronicle Race Plays a Role in Pacing of Some Romances

In News, Opinion on November 24, 2011 at 1:50 am
Interracial Couple

Image by mattradickal via Flickr.

The Cornell University Seal
Image via Wikipedia.

According to an interesting piece in Cornell University’s Chronicle news website, racial diversity plays a role in pacing of some romances; apparently increasing the speed of the romantic relationships’ evolution or development.

So, make of the study’s conclusions what you will, but it seems that one potential conclusion is that interracial romantic relationships develop faster than white-white ones for reasons not particularly clear.

Here’s a direct link to the article, but I have to admit to feeling that one prominant factor in this “pacing” issue might have more to do with maturity and personal development than ethnicity or status:

Study/Shocker: Black Men More Likely to Date White Women Online

In News, Opinion on November 23, 2011 at 7:30 pm

Hopefully, you picked up on the slight tinge of sarcasm in my title there.

Look, although I’m a “white” man, I grew up surrounded by wonderful black people; including a biracial granny, a black best friend; the works. Never dated a white woman in my life, proudly married to a beautiful and intelligent and funny black woman.

But it does seem easier for black men to approach and date white women than it does for black women to even consider dating a non-black man, even after the “Is Marriage for White People?” book was released and soared to the top of most book sales lists. Some of this may be attributed just to the fact that it’s more socially acceptable (if not rewarded) for men of any ethnicity to be more assertive, aggressive, and “go getters” especially when it comes to dating and perceived “conquest.”

Amongst men, men period, a male who dates often and regularly is considered cool or admirable. A woman who dates often and regularly is not always seen in so positive a light. Certainly, there’s a dating double-standard going on.

There’s also tremendous, soul-crushing racial bias and discrimination at play throughout America to the point that I’d say racism is as American as apple pie and Uncle Sam and the whole Thanksgiving mythology. Men who are told it’s okay to be “go getters” are going to have an easier time “skiing the slopes” or adding “creme to the coffee” or whatever other metaphor you want to come up with than women who are not permitted to be as assertive.

Then you ad to that, the fact that black women are perceived to “owe” an allegiance to the perpetuation and continuation of the black “race” as a whole that their male counterparts do not have to swear to, and you’ve got some serious pressure.

Pointing at another person is aggressive and d...

Image via Wikipedia. I want YOU to date outside socially-acceptable norms!

If I look up “interracial couple” in Google images, I find mostly photos of black men with white women. There are not as many images of black women with white men on the whole. Google is a pretty popular search engine these days, so it’s a fair guess this image search would come up similarly if repeated in Yahoo or Bing. What’s my point? That “interracial dating” or “interracial couple” is largely a black man/white woman norm. And black women are either “sitting shiva,” dating with little statistical chance of marriage much less commitment (this ain’t just my observation but borne out over and over again through one news piece after another), or just living their lives.

At any rate, here’s a link to the original news story:

Is Lansing the Interracial Love Capital of the US?

In News on November 23, 2011 at 7:02 pm
Official seal of the City of Lansing, Michigan

Image via Wikipedia. Send us your interracial daters and multicultural families?

Is Lansing the new home of interracial love and multicultural families in the US of A?

Certainly not where or what I’d have expected, but possible, at least according to the author.

If you’d ask me, I would have speculated on New York, perhaps bombed-out Baltimore, Atlanta, or other Southern location (as a direct result of the “reverse migration” so many black-themed magazines have commented on-and is a good idea for another piece all together), but Lansing of all places?

Here’s a direct link to the piece:


TV’s First Interracial Kiss

In Main Event on October 30, 2011 at 10:39 pm
Actress Nichelle Nichols

Image via Wikipedia

I was surprised recently rummaging through the topic of television’s first interracial kiss on YouTube.com, when I cam across two videos answering this question.

I’d thought that like “the shat,” that that first symbolic romantic lip-lock would’ve come much earlier than it did…but I guess I wasn’t all surprised that the man who would “do” the proverbial “deed” would be none other than the same man who would later jump (literally) on top of a green-skinned woman.

One video gives you the male perspective, and the other is the woman’s perspective on the taboo-shattering event.

It should be pretty obvious that the man was now-75+ William Shatner and the woman was/is Nichelle Nichols. It’s somewhat interesting that to “shat,” the event was no big deal and to Nichols it was much more stressful apparently. Maybe that had to do with Shatner being the “Captain” of the ship so to speak.

Participants Needed: Interracial Relationships Study

In Main Event, News on October 30, 2011 at 10:21 pm
cropped from :Image:Races2.jpg 1820 drawing of...

Image via Wikipedia. Somehow, I don't think this interracial stuff is new.

According to Atinuke Diver (yes, that appears to be her real name) in Boston (http://open.salon.com/blog/yesweretogether/2011/10/26/participants_needed_interracial_relationships_study), another young professional African American woman is conducting an academic scholarly study in interracial relationships; specifically between white men and black women.

Big surprise, there seems to be a dearth of white men/black women in Boston to study and interview on the topic of interracial relationships; so the hunt is on for participants.

But, that being said, it seems that the study is only open to residents of

Here are some links if you are someone who’d like to learn more about possibly participating in the study: