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Posts Tagged ‘Social conservatism’

UK Recruiters Have “Racial Bias” Claims Report

In News, Opinion on February 9, 2012 at 1:04 pm
An attempt at a discrimination graphic.

Image via Wikipedia.

Oh, now, not our darling brothers and sisters across the pond in the United Kingdom! They can’t be racist, too, can they?

Afraid so, at least according to a Jobs Editor, Louisa Peacock, of The Telegraph, who cites a report from a charity called Race for Opportunity. According to the report, minorities are not only racing for opportunity, their tripping over the bodies of those who have tried to come before them and being blocked from crossing the finish line by their lighter-skinned fellow job hunters.

Here’s a link to the article referencing the report, if you are so inclined: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/9070027/Recruiters-have-racial-bias-claims-report.html